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CNI: Murchison Newsletter

Winter 2021 Newsletter

Hi There!

Murchison Choice Neighborhood Plan presents: The Latest Updates

What's Going on in the Murchison Neighborhood

The Fayetteville Metropolitan Housing Authority, the City of Fayetteville, and COLLABO Planning have been working diligently year-round in drafting a plan that enables all residents of the Murchison community to live a life full of economic, recreational, and educational opportunities.

By selecting a group of Community Ambassadors, hosting small community conversations, 3 larger community meetings, and the successful completion of the Needs Assessment Survey by ALL Murchison Townhouse residents this past fall, the planning team is now working to develop projects to address the immediate and long term needs of the neighborhood.

We thank all of you for your participation!

Have you heard of the Digital Equity Initiative? The Initiative aims to connect all residents of Murchison Townhouses to free broadband internet. We will keep you informed with the progress of this initiative!

What's Next?
You can join a working group starting January to get involved in important discussions and share your ideas around the projects that are coming to the neighborhood. The groups will meet 3 times in the spring to discuss and plan future projects. Scan the code at the bottom of this page to join!

In February, you will notice the 1st early action interventions in neighborhood: 19 Little Free Libraries and a coloring book inspired by Murchison's very own Wall of Honor!

Community Ambassador Training, October 2021

Key Dates

  • January 10-12: Working Groups Meeting #1 - Project Identification
  • February 7-9: Working Groups Meeting #2 - Project Prioritization
  • February 16: Early Action Project: Little Free Library Painting Day (tentative)
  • March 7-9: Working Groups Meeting #3 - Resources & Partners
  • April 10: Community Meeting #4 - Projects and Actions

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Mitch Colvin, Mayor of Fayetteville attended Community Conversation Event with fellow Community Ambassadors in October 2021

Community Ambassador Spotlight

Kim W. Community Ambassador Headshot

Hello! My name is Kim W. and I am part of a phenomenal team of passionate Community Ambassadors.

These courageous people bring talents, abilities, gifts, and skills from all walks of life.

We observe, engage, and communicate interactively with people on every level in our community, from residents to business owners, organizations, political entities, and everyone in between.

By building working relationships in our community through honesty and trust, we use creative and practical methodical actions to ensure we promote unity, diversity, and inclusiveness in all our affairs.

Ambassadors receive continuous leadership development and educational training so we are fully equipped to better advocate, serve, and promote successful sustainable programs and projects such as the Murchison Choice Neighborhood Plan. We also recruit so if this sounds like something that you would like to be involved with, we welcome you to become a part of a Working Group.

You can contact Kim Williams directly by email.

Questions, concerns?
Contact us!

Madam Dominique Lazo-Johnson, MPA Community Engagement Specialist
Economic and Community Development Department

433 Hay Street | Fayetteville, NC 28301

Phone: 910-500 2926

Email Dominique 

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Fayetteville and FMHA Logos

Murchison Newsletter: All information as listed above Murchison Newsletter: All information as listed above Page 2